Monday, July 27, 2009

Cause it's Root, Root, Root for the home team.....

Ok, so I really didn't expect the Nationals to win. My roommate and I were even joking about it; she asked me who they were playing and when I said I didn't know, she said they were playing the winners. (Seriously--that was funny) My dad really likes baseball, though, so I figured this would be a nice time. I have never been to Nationals Park and I highly recommend going to a game if you can. The park is beautiful, spacious, and well laid out. Here we are at the game--I look rough, I know it, but dang, was it HOT out there!
We had amazing seats! We were about seven rows behind the first base dugout. We are right behind the kid with the crazy hair, who, coincidentally, ended up being voted the fan of the game.For all you non-sports people (and you know who you are) that means we were on the home team side. The game was especially exciting and I am not lying when I tell you that it was one hundred and fifty million degrees outside yesterday. I, um, forgot to slather up with sunblock so the tops of my legs are a little toasty. The Nats won the game in the bottom of the 10th inning! Yea for the home team!! :) They are still in last place--as a matter of fact I think they might be the worst team in baseball at the moment but I was glad that they managed to pull one out while my dad was here. :)
All in all, I'd say it was a good day. :)

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