Sunday, December 18, 2011

A few more thoughts...

from my last post and then a few new ones...

Disclaimer:  This post will also discuss religion.  If that offends you, please come back tomorrow.  :)

The more I thought about the events of last week, the snarkier I started to get.  It isn't that I am arrogant in thinking that Christ is the only way to Heaven, although I know most (if not all) unsaved people think that, it was the attitude that I had over the last few days that I have been wrestling with.

My attitude was one of "Ok.  Keep Believing what you believe.  We will find out in the end who's right and, um, I hope you like things hot."

I told you.


I'm not proud of it.  Because really, I am sad.  I have family members who, if they continue to chose to reject Christ, will spend eternity in hell, separated from Him forever.  That breaks my heart.  It truly does.  I love my family regardless of the fact that we don't agree on everything and I don't want to see them suffer eternal separation from God.  I pray for them.  I beg God to show Himself to them in ways that will cause their hearts to soften and to accept Him.  Sometimes I feel that it is a hopeless cause because they seem so entrenched in their ways but I know that, with God, ALL things are possible.

And so I keep praying.

It has been a nice weekend.  I went out with a good friend of mine yesterday and I got a new cell phone!  So far I am happy with it, although it does make me feel old because there are things that I think I should be able to figure out but I have had to have help with a lot of it.  The funny thing is, today I don't feel anywhere near as old as I really am.

Go figure.

My Cowboys won last night!  Whoop-whoop!  We needed that win and, to make things better, the redskins did me a HUGE favor and beat the giants today.  Sadly, though, the Jets are losing to the eagles and that bites.  I don't like the eagles.

I got all my work-related Christmas presents wrapped today and they are waiting by the door to go in tomorrow.  I am looking forward to tomorrow.  Both my class and the other fourth grade are going Christmas caroling at a nursing home and then out to eat for lunch.  This will be our Christmas Party.  It is brilliant, really, because this means we won't have to clean up anything in our rooms or figure out what to do with all the extra food.  The restaurant can take care of that.  I've already had the "talk" with my kids.  They know what I expect and I am confident that they will behave.  My mantra to them is "we are not third graders and we are not fifth graders.  We are polite, obedient, respectful fourth graders."  They love when I brag on them and they love when I tell them how the other teachers all compliment them because they are such a good class.  I am SO blessed to have them this year.  Yes, even Snowflake.

Who, by the way, actually attended a WHOLE WEEK OF SCHOOL.  All five days.  IN A ROW.  No absences, no early departures.  Yes, Snowflake, it can be done!  :)  A couple of her friends told me on Friday that Snowflake told them that she wasn't coming back after Christmas.  While that wouldn't sadden me, I'll believe it when I see it.

All right.  I still have some presents to finish crocheting so...

Nighty night!


Friday, December 16, 2011

I am thankful to be a sheep....

Disclaimer:  There are some who may find this post offensive.  If you do not like discussions about religion, you may want to skip reading today as I am on my soapbox.  If you are a family member I invite you to stay and read but only if you can keep an open mind.

The last few days have been quite interesting for me.  Not at work.  Work is still going great.  The kids opened their presents today and almost made me cry.  They were so happy with the scarves that you would have thought I had given them a million dollars.  The boys were thrilled with their team color scarves and the girls all loved the bright colors that they got.  Their response was so gratifying and it made me beyond grateful for the children that God blessed me with this year.

No, work hasn't been the challenge.

I am a Christian.  I believe that we are all born sinners and that sin separates us from a holy and just God.  I believe that God, because of His immense love for us, sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins in order that we might be made righteous in His sight.  I believe that the only way that we can get to heaven is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  We can never be good enough, kind enough, give enough money, go to church enough, etc. to get to heaven.  All of our good deeds look like filthy rags in God's eyes.  We can not earn our way to heaven; we must accept God's gift of salvation.  I believe that the Bible is the Word of God and not just "some book."  I believe in the authority of the Scripture.

I am a sinful human being.  When I read the Bible, I see my sins.  I then have a choice.  I can accept what the Bible says, be humble enough to admit that I am wrong, as forgiveness, and move on, or I can have a heart filled with pride and not admit my sin for what it is...SIN.  Human beings naturally do not like to admit that what they are doing is wrong because we are prideful.  Sometimes it hurts when my sin is pointed out to me, whether through Bible reading, or through the chastening of a fellow Christian whom loves me enough to correct me, or even through someone who is unsaved.  That is called conviction and, you know what, it is SUPPOSED to make me uncomfortable.  If I call myself a Christian and sin does not make my uncomfortable then what does that say about the state of my heart?

Over the last few days I have been engaged in, what started out to be, a spirited debate over the issue of the term "homophobic".  My belief is that the term is used too loosely and applied to ANYone who disagrees with homosexuality.  Let me be clear:  I think that homosexuality is a sin.  I believe that it goes against God's word.  I do NOT believe that ANYONE has the right to be abusive, either verbally or physically, to homosexuals.  My position in the debate was that, while I do not agree with homosexuality I am not a homophobic based on the definition that was set forth by an acquaintance whose daughter is a lesbian.  This person was very respectful when speaking with me and I was enjoying the "back-and-forth".  And then....

I understand that not everyone agrees with me.  As a matter of fact, many people in my family do not agree with me.  What I don't understand is how people who are not related to me can be more respectful of me and of my opinions than members of my own family.  Today, in an exchange, I was compared to a Nazi and the God that I serve was compared to Hitler.  Not only was that hurtful it was also insensitive.  In all of the comments and statements that I made I never once I got personal.  I never once used a slur or a mean-spirited comparison.  As a matter of fact, I wasn't even the one that brought Christianity in to the discussion.  However, when asked, I answered, in a respectful way, with what I believe from the Bible.  I was asked directly if I believe that homosexuality is a sin.  I couldn't lie and I couldn't sugar-coat the truth.  Yes, according to the BIBLE, it is a sin.  Just as gossip is a sin, and murder is a sin, and theft is a sin.  This doesn't make a homosexual any more a sinner than anyone else because ALL have sinned.  That includes me.  I never claimed to be perfect or better than anyone else.  However, because of what I believe, I am now labeled a "homophobe."

Why is it that I must be tolerant of other's choices but those same people do not have to be tolerant of mine?  I am told that I am wrong because being gay isn't a choice, it is how they are.  However, because I believe it is a choice, I am wrong.  I am not allowed to disagree with what is.  I contend that I am allowed to disagree with whatever I want.  I am not asking anyone to agree with me nor am I trying to change anyone's mind.  I am free, however, to believe what I want to believe and that right should be respected.

A good friend of mine did a great job responding to a comment that was made about accepting the authority of the Bible and I appreciated her support.  Actually, a number of people came to my defense and it was very comforting to know that I am not alone in my beliefs (Not that I ever thought that I was; it was just nice to have people supporting me.)

I made the difficult decision to block some people today.  There is a part of my family that, no matter how much I had hoped it would change, has never really accepted me.  I have been intentionally left out of "family" gatherings of late and it has become more and more obvious that they really want nothing to do with me.  As sad as it makes me, because family is so important to me, I have realized that I am not important to them.  So, instead of continuing to hope and wish that I will eventually be included, I have come to the realization that it will never happen.  I have chosen instead to focus my energy on the people that do love and care about me.  My wonderful immediate family and my amazing friends.  :)

And you know what?  Even if they left me, God never will.  And I am thankful to be a sheep.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


will be bulleted for your reading pleasure ease.

You're welcome.


  • Today was a good great day.  We had an all school assembly and, since I knew it would be Christmas-themed, I went all out.  Santa hat, Christmas pin, and ornament earrings that flashed on and off.  Oh.  The kids L.O.V.E.D.  it.  I so rock and am the coolest teacher on my hallway.
  • SS was there today.  This is the second day in a row which means that she will probably be absent tomorrow.
  • I found out after school that SS's mommy complained about me (again) to the principal.  Yesterday I was in a generous mood and gave out candy in math.  I rarely do that because I don't want to deal with the sugar high so candy in my classroom is a BIG treat and a BIG deal.  Anyway.  I made them wait until the end of the day to eat their candy (remember...I don't want to deal with the sugar high).  SS got a lollipop and had it in her mouth when mommy came to pick her up.  Mommy asked where she got it and SS told her that I had given it to her.  Mommy said "Oh, that was so nice.  I hope you told her thank you."  They met the principal on the way out and he made a comment about her having candy.  He asked where she got it and SS told him that I gave it to the class.  Before he could say anything, Mommy says, in a very sarcastic tone, "Yeah, she gives them candy and then sends them home for us to deal with."  Um.  Yeah.  I have no words.
  • Totally random.....I am currently eating dessert....Pumpkin spice pudding.  O.M.G. so amazingly delicious.
  • My babies are just about finished with their picture frames.  In case you didn't know, they are all painting/decorating unfinished wooden frames (from Michael's) for their parents for Christmas.  I took all of their pictures and printed them out at Walgreens.  I have six kids who need to finish up tomorrow and then they will wrap them on Thursday.  They are pretty excited and have done such a good job.  I'm really proud of them.
  • I got my first Christmas present today!  One of my students gave me a gift card to Target!!!!  Whoo-hoo!!!!  You know how much I love me some Tar-jay!! :)
  • As you know, the scarves are FINISHED!  As promised, here are some pictures!  Enjoy!

 The NINETEEN scarves

 redskins fans

 eagles fan, packers fan, um... origami fan

 for the girls

 more girls

 the last of the girls

 the two jumbled scarves pictures, just because

I really, really hope the kids like them! :)

Good night!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Let the countdown begin....



Yea!!!!  Only 5 and 1/2 more school days until the break!!  Whoo-hoo!!!  Not that I am counting or anything.


My swap partner got her package and, from what I can tell, liked everything in it.  Once she posts pictures on Ravelry, I will post pictures on here.  I don't want to steal her thunder or anything.

I FINISHED ALL THE SCARVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, at 9:21 last night the very last end was weaved in and I an DONE!  Now all I have to do is wrap them.  I am planning on doing that tomorrow night while I bake cookies/make reindeer bait (candy).  Don't worry--I will take pictures tomorrow.  I am going to take them in on Friday and hopefully the little angels will love them.

Today one of them asked me what I wanted for Christmas.  I said "A house on the beach."  He blinked a few times and said tentatively..."I don't think I can afford that."  I laughed.

Another funny one of my girls comes rushing into the room to tell me another girl is trapped in a stall in the bathroom and can't get out!  I had one of the other kids be the monitor and went down to the restroom.  I took one look at the door and in my most deadpan voice asked the young lady if she had considered, oh, I don't know, UNLOCKING THE DOOR FIRST???!!!???  I heard a small little "oh" and then a giggle.


miss raven had to go get a mani/pedi today.  I think we all know how that went.  I was desperate though.  I felt a stinging sensation on my back this morning and, when I looked in the mirror, discovered that my baby had left a huge scratch down my back.  Quite on accident I am sure, but, for my own safety, I called the vet first thing this morning and made an appointment for this evening.  She was less than thrilled, to be sure, but it needed to be done.  To make up for the horror that she had to endure, we made a quick stop at Petco afterwards for a small treat.  And also so that she could do some Christmas shopping for her friends.  ;)  Sorry Buddy, you didn't make the list.

Ok.  While I may be finished with the scarves, I do still have at least one more gift to finish crocheting before this weekend so I am off to make some coffee and crochet like a fool.


P.S.  BFF, I went to Eastern Market and did some Christmas shopping this weekend.....I'm sure you'll love it!  Also--I need some ideas for Miss H, please. :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011


So I should be doing lesson plans and yet, here I am, blogging for your pleasure.

I am so selfless like that.


I felt better today.  Better enough to go to school although I must confess that it was rather tempting to call in sick again.  However, a faker I am not, so I bundled up and set out for school.  To say that my wee little munchkins were glad to see me would be an understatement.  I got hugs galore and pleas of "Don't ever leave us again!" in the most dramatic voices imaginable.

It's nice to be loved again....

I could honestly tell my coworkers that I actually MISSED being at work.  A far cry from my feelings last year at this time.

Speshul Snowflake update:  Monday--present.  Tuesday--absent.  Wednesday--showed up, stayed for an hour, went home = absent.  Thursday--managed to stay the WHOLE DAY.  I am sure that, being at school for TWO whole days this week has sufficiently tired her out and she will be absent tomorrow.  I'll keep you posted.  In case you were wondering, that would make NINETEEN DAYS ABSENT since August 22.  School has been in session for 68 days and she has missed 19.  There are only 5 days in a school week.  She has missed almost a MONTH of school.  And yet, mommy and grandmama get mad at me because her grades are low?!?!  Go figure.

I am sensing that the lesson plans aren't going to get done until this weekend.  I wonder how long I can milk the whole "Iwassickfrommycoldallweek" thing?  I'm hoping through tomorrow at least.



Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just a few words...

This won't be long tonight.  I stayed home from work today because this cold is kicking my butt.  The good news is that I am feeling a little better tonight.  The bad news is the weather is changing and it is going to be slap-you-in-the-face cold tomorrow morning.

I mostly rested today.  And drank coffee and hot chocolate and blueberry juice and now more coffee.  I know, I know.  I should be drinking water.  Can I get away with saying that there is water in coffee?

I currently have 16 scarves completed.  That means I only have three left.  I still need to weave in the ends and take pictures.  Once that it is done I will wrap them (in cheap gift bags) and be done with it.

My heart is heavy tonight.  This summer I attended the wedding of a friend of mine from work.  She married her childhood sweetheart after waiting many years for the two of them to get together.  She went in to the relationship knowing that he wasn't in the best of health (diabetes and some other issues).  He had been in the hospital for the last few months and, while it was touch and go for a while, he seemed to be getting better, much to the astonishment of the doctors.  This morning, though, he took a turn for the worse and passed away.  My heart is aching for my friend, Brandy.  Please, if you are the praying kind, please pray for her and for her two little girls who loved him like he was their biological father.

Oh, and tell someone you love them.  And mean it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Good things come to those who...

don't complain, moan, kavetch, scream, yell, stamp their feet...

I have been neglectful in the picture taking uploading of late but I finally got my behind in gear and got everything in the camera on to the computer.

Now you can be entertained without having to read through all my blah, blah, blahing.

Here is an update from the weekend:

Saturday--felt great.  Met a parent at Starbucks, mailed my swap package, went Christmas shopping for the niece and nephew, came home.  Around noon began to feel like crap.  Tried to talk the cold out of invading my body.  It didn't work.

Sunday--moaned, complained, kavetched about my cold.  Watched football.  Rejoiced that the redskins lost. Rejoiced that the giants lost.  #*#$(#$( that the Cowboys lost.  Rejoiced again (and more emphatically) that the giants lost.

Monday--went to school.  Worked very hard at not ripping fourth grade heads off seeing as how it isn't their fault that I am sick.  But probably IS their fault that I am sick.  Oh well, too tired to care.  Have a raw nose due to all the blowing.  Opened swap package.  Took the following pictures:
 miss raven received a t-shirt that says "Cookie Taster", a squeaky toy, and a rawhide bonie.

I received a hank of Malabrigo silky (in wisteria) and a cowl pattern, two dark chocolate mint bars, two notepads, two candles, a crocheted birdie, a crocheted snowflake, and a handwritten note on a handmade card.

Finishing post.  Drinking coffee, making English quiz for tomorrow.  Still 6 scarves left to crochet.  Can't do any tonight.  Too tired........

More pictures.....
 My favorite Chihuahua and her big ears.

 My Halloween pumpkins.  Yes, I know it is December.  I'm late.

 The ginormous puzzle that my students put together (almost) all by themselves.  We were studying birds in science.


Good night!

*Best Furry Friend Forever.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Am I...

the only person in the world who was surprised by the fact that today is DECEMBER FIRST?!?

What in the heck happened to November?  Heck, while we are at it, what in the world happened to 2011?

Here today, gone tomorrow.  Quite literally.

And now it is time for your daily SS update:
SS did in fact show up for school today AND she stayed for the WHOLE DAY.  I repeat.  She stayed for the WHOLE DAY.  
And now back to our regularly scheduled blogging:

Christmas Break-itis has struck my classroom.  The kiddos were quite squirrely today and it took great effort on my part to keep calm and carry on.  I am not known for my patience and they were trying it mightily today.  The good news is I didn't blow up at them.  The bad news is that it is only December 1 and break doesn't start until December 21.

I'm never gonna make it.

Craziness behind my house yesterday update:

Apparently some sort of "raid" took place in the house behind mine.  The good news is:  it wasn't a break-in.  The bad news is:  WHAT THE HECK WAS GOING ON IN THERE THAT A RAID WAS NECESSARY?!?!

I, apparently, am oblivious to the things going on around me.  The fact that TWO raids (yes, there was another one a few houses down from me about a month ago) have happened in my neighborhood and I didn't know about either one of them, only proves that point.

Yesterday one of my students told me I was the best fourth grade teacher EVER.

Aren't my students little geniuses?

Yes, yes they are.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It occurred to me...

that I should provide you with a photo of the scarves that I am making for my students.  Sadly, I am too lazy to get the camera and snap a few.  Plus this light in my living room isn't all that great at night.  You are probably going to have to wait for the weekend.  Which will enable me to whip up a few more.

9 down, 10 to go.

Are we all ready for an SS update?

Alrighty then.

As you know, SS was not in school on Monday.  She came on Tuesday and was unprepared to work on a project that the class had known about since before the Thanksgiving holiday.  The excuse was that they were rushing to get out of the house that morning and that Mommy forgot to bring her things.

Ummmmmm.  Ok.

  1. It is not Mommy's responsibility to bring your things to school
  2. Rushing out of the house is not an excuse for being unprepared.
So I explained that to the dear child, in a kindly way, and then proceeded to have her and the other two that weren't prepared work on an assignment from their book.

(Cue angry e-mail from Grandmama)

I am a horrible, insensitive, mean teacher who OBVIOUSLY doesn't have any children of my own because I don't know how to speak to children and I don't show CHRISTIAN LOVE and kindness and I call myself a CHRISTIAN but I don't act like one and she is just a little child and how DARE I talk to her precious grandchild like that and she want a meeting NOW.

Excuse me?

So, after stewing about it for about and hour and after talking to my BFF, I decided that I would need to reply because if I didn't I wouldn't get any sleep.

I sent a polite response clarifying what actually happened in class and letting Grandmama know that her precious wasn't quite as forthcoming as she should have been when relaying the story to her.  I openly copied the e-mail to my principal and told Grandmama that I would only meet with her AND the principal.

Of course I received no response and while SS did show up for school today, she left at 11:00 thereby making this her SIXTEENTH absence this year.

And yet, I would much rather deal with her than go back to the wretched job I had last year.

I came home this afternoon to find CRIME SCENE TAPE all around the house behind me.  There were police and state troopers EVERYWHERE.  I have zero idea what was going on but, from what I could tell, the house had been broken in to.  Of course that makes me a little uneasy.  Even with killer here:
I still think my house could be a target.  If you are the praying type, would you send one up for me that my house will be protected?  miss raven and I would appreciate it.

Ok.  Time to make another scarf.

blue and green tonight.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Two nights in a row.

I love you, BFF.

Even though you did move far away thereby ensuring the ruin of all future Thanksgivings.


I digress.

Today was a rather good day at school.  No major issues, other than the young man who doesn't think before he acts and scared another kid in the bathroom.  Boy #1 really is a sweetheart and I know deep down he didn't mean anything by what happened, but Boy #2 felt like he was being bullied so I had to deal with it.  Boy #1 was practically in tears when I was done and was apologizing all over himself.  It wasn't one of those "I'm apologizing to get out of trouble" apologies, either.  I know that he really meant it.

The kids all love the Christmas tree I put up in the classroom.  I need to remember to take some pictures of it to post.

SS was there today.  She walked in (with mommy, of course) right as I was starting the day.  Mommy had to unpack her bag for her and take her things to her desk.  Then, and this truly is the best part, Mommy came over and stood RIGHT BESIDE ME expecting me to chat with her....AFTER SCHOOL HAD ALREADY STARTED.  *facepalm*  The woman just

I finished another scarf last night.  Eight down, eleven to go.

I should be working on lesson plans tonight.  I'm probably not going to.

It rained pretty much all day here.  I really, really shouldn't complain because is had been in the close-to-70 degree range the last several days.  At the end of November.  Therefore I really shouldn't complain.  I'm trying hard not to.

If I wasn't so lazy and if I wasn't such a homebody, I would put some shoes on, grab miss raven, get in the truck, and drive to Starbucks to get a Peppermint Mocha.  Alas.  I am not only lazy, I am in fact, a homebody.  I can pretty much completely identify with people who never want to leave their house.  Except I do love to shop.

Time to make another scarf.

Pink and purple.


Monday, November 28, 2011

A little of this, some of that, a gripe, and other such stuff...

How's that for a blog post title?


So.  My Thanksgiving was pretty much what I expected that it would be.  Me and miss raven.  Football.  And, um, yeah.  That's it.

I did cook some turkey tenderloin and I selflessly allowed the grocery store to prepare my stuffing and vegetable side dish.  I bought a single roll and a pumpkin donut for dessert.

Oh how it sucks to be single sometimes.

miss raven wasn't complaining though, as she made out pretty well with some turkey and major mommy-snuggle time.

I did not go shopping on Black Friday unless you count the "shopping" that I did online.  I love you Bath and Body bag and Old Navy.  I was too "blah" to feel like braving the crowds.  Well.  That is one reason.  The other reason is that, as I age, I get less and less tolerant of stupidity.  You know what I mean.

I'm turning in to a grouchy old woman.  Crazy cat lady.  Minus the cats.

It was nice to have some time off of school but I did (honestly) miss my students.  It was nice to see them today.  Most of them.  And I think we all know who was absent today.  For the FIFTEENTH time.

The Cowboys beat the redskins again.  Oh wait.  I think I blogged about that last Tuesday.  Sorry.  Hehehe.  I did enjoy typing it again, though.  ;o)

(miss raven is currently VERY determined to get under the heated throw covering my legs.  she succeeded.  Now my legs are clawed up.  Someone needs their toenails clipped and it isn't me.  she is now licking my legs to make up for the clawing she just inflicted.)

The Cowboys also won on Thanksgiving Day.  Which of course made me thankful.  They beat the Dolphins (barely).  Tonight the giants play the Saints.  Go Saints.

It seems as if every time I turn around someone else I know is pregnant.  Do you know how tired I am of that?  My uterus wastes an egg (or more) every month and everyone else I know is getting pregnant.  How is this fair considering that, whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I always said "A Mommy" first and then "A teacher" second?  How is it that those awful Bridezillas can find someone to marry them and I can't even get a freaking date?  I need a moratorium from pregnant women.  Seriously.  I don't want to hear about one more pregnant woman at work or on Facebook or anywhere else.  It isn't that I'm not happy for them; I'm just tired of it ALWAYS being everyone else but me.

Ugh.  Sorry for the rant.  I just can't stand it sometimes.

Anyway.  I need to get going because I decided (and please refrain from telling me how idiotic I was for doing this) to make every one of my students a scarf this year for Christmas.  I figured (somewhere in my tiny little brain) that it would be better than buying them something cheap that would break (or get lost) before they even got home for Christmas break.  I completed seven over the weekend and am trying to get one done every night this week.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So much for blogging every night last week.

Blogger fail.

In my defense:

  1. We had Grandparent's Day at school on Friday.
  2. This left me with a tremendous headache.
  3. My kids weren't bad (weeeellllll....we did have a Speshul Snowflake incident, but....) but they were excited and even though quite a few of them left, the ones that stayed were hyped up for vacation.
  4. I can't blame them.
So anyway.  I was supposed to blog over the weekend but I did not.  So now I will attempt to tell you about my weekend.  Although, there isn't much to tell.

Sunday was the highlight of my weekend for the following reasons:

  1. The COWBOYS beat the redskins.  That would make TWICE this year.  In case you were wondering.  Which I know you were.  Even if you are my BFF.
  2. The eagles beat the giants.  Now, under normal circumstances I would never, ever root for the eagles.  The mere idea of it makes me want to...well, never mind.  In this case, however, it meant that my COWBOYS would be tied for FIRST PLACE with the giants., eagles, fly.  And, they did.
  3. Tony Stewart (my favorite NASCAR driver and, quite frankly, one hot man) won the Sprint Cup Championship.  Is it too much to hope that he will stumble across my blog, find out what a catch I am, and drive himself up here to declare himself my Prince Charming?  Yeah, I kind of thought it might be.  Stupid fairy tales.
All in all, it was a wonderful sports weekend.  Did I mention that the COWBOYS beat the redskins?  TWICE?

Hail to the who??

We had meetings at work all day yesterday and half of the day today.  I managed to get my Christmas tree put up (and mostly decorated) in my classroom.  It looks good, if I do say so myself.  I have a few more things to do in my room but didn't feel like staying late today.  So I didn't.  :)

miss raven and I will be by ourselves for Thanksgiving this year and I am really depressed about that.  I thought I would be ok with it but the closer it gets the sadder I become.  I am hoping that putting up my tree on Thursday will help.  I've been missing my mom alot the last few weeks and wish that I could talk to her.  She always made the holidays special.  And I really miss her Thanksgiving stuffing (or filling.  Whatever you prefer.)

I don't have to get up early tomorrow so I am getting to watch the NFL Network replay of the COWBOYS/redskins game tonight.  You know, the one in which the COWBOYS BEAT THE redskins.  AGAIN.



p.s.  How do you like the new look of the blog?  I couldn't resist the paw prints.  It is my homage to miss raven.  She approves.  :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day Four...

So I have made it a personal goal to blog every night this week.

(I almost failed tonight.)

I didn't want to leave you hanging about my meetings, though, so here I am.

You're welcome, BFF.

Meeting #1 went a little like this:

Talk, talk, talk, talk, everyone else. melicity.

I literally said NOTHING during this meeting and more than once wondered AGAIN why I was there and not in my classroom with my students taking pictures while they painted.


Meeting #2 went something like this...

Um.  Can't tell you.  I was too busy trying to figure out why I was there to pay much attention as to what was going on in that meeting, either.

I did catch one thing that I know you will appreciate, though.

SS and her mother were there.  Mommy felt it necessary to stand up and ask three questions (I won't bore you with those.)  What I found to be super-douper interesting, though, was the fact that she OPENLY ADMITTED that she had already asked (and had answered) those SAME questions of the Head of School and the Principal.  She just wanted to "ask them again in a public forum."

Can anyone say...POT-STIRRER????????

As some of you (BFF) know, meetings super-stress me out.  Needless to say, my right thumb is a raw, nasty, painful, bloody mess.


This one is going to take weeks to heal.  Band-aids and Neosporin, anyone?

I hear three things calling me:


miss raven

and my bed.

In that order.  So....



Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Holy Three Days In A Row....



I have two prayer requests for tomorrow:

  1. I have to attend a meeting that I really don't want to attend.  I am kind of being made the scapegoat for something that happened over the summer and my former supervisor is throwing me under the bus for a decision we made together.  Meanwhile, my new principal thinks the decision that was made was stupid and now we have to meet with the parents.  I am not sure what to expect AT ALL and that scares me.
  2. We are painting in art tomorrow.  Enough said.
On another, happy, front:  SS's g-ma actually came in today to have a meeting with my principal.  According to what I was told, the meeting started off badly but ended wonderfully.  She is now on our side and thinks we are wonderful.  (Personally, I think aliens are somehow involved.)

It was a nasty, dreary day here.  An Eeyore kind of day.  :o/  I shouldn't complain, though, because we have had some absolutely gorgeous weather for the middle/end of November.

I just realized something.  This time next week I will be putting (or getting ready to put) up  my Christmas tree!  Oh how I love me some Christmas decorations!!! :)

And on that happy note...



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Do you ever feel...

like telling everyone you're closed for a while?  Stop telling me your issues and problems.  I'm closed.  I'm not here.  Don't leave a message because the mailbox is full?

Why is it that people think you want to hear all about their "issues" when they happen to be the same type of issues that cause your own heart to break?

Have you ever just wanted to just yell "Shut up!  Quit complaining about your problems to me because every time you do it is like pouring salt into my wounds that are just beginning to heal?"

Yeah.  Me, either.

My students are still pretty much wonderful.  They finished their 550 piece backyard bird puzzle today and were SO excited!  I have pictures of the finished puzzle but am currently too lazy to lean over and get my camera and load them on the computer.  You'll just have to take my word for it for now.

So there.

SS came to school today!  And couldn't understand why I wouldn't give her the answers to a test we were taking because, after all, she wasn't there when we went over the material.  Um.  Yeah.  Come to school and we won't have that problem, will we?

Speaking of mean teachers (and I do not put myself into that category)...did anyone else happen to see the piece on the news about the Special Ed teacher and her assistant in Ohio?  O.M.G.  Apparently, this kid kept going home and complaining to her parents that her teacher (and the assistant) were picking on her.  The parents went to the principal but the principal didn't believe them and said the kid was lying.  The parents then sent the kid into school with a hidden tape recorder and have FOUR days worth of tape that proves their point.  It was really sad to listen to and I felt bad for the kid.  Why on earth do people become teachers if they don't like dealing with children?

That being said...




Good night.


Monday, November 14, 2011

And so it begins...

When you work with elementary students, as I do, you will never, ever not know when a holiday is approaching.  They won't let you forget.  You won't let yourself forget.  I promise.




But who's counting, right?

Yes, it is only four more days until Thanksgiving break.  (The kiddos get the whole week; the teachers have professional development all day Monday and [hopefully] half day on Tuesday.  Between you and me (and all of bloggy world) I would prefer to be with the kiddos on Monday and half day Tuesday...

After the Thanksgiving break it is only a hop, skip, and a jump until Christmas Break (unless you are Speshul Snowflake and then your break has apparently already begun.  Yes, she was out again today.  For the THIRD Monday in a row.  We have been in school for a total of seven days in November.  She has attended THREE of those days.)

I digress.

We have Grandparents Day this Friday and I am all kerfluffeled trying to figure out what I am going to do.  It doesn't help that no letters were sent out to let people know about this Friday and I have no idea how many grandparents to expect.  You can be sure that SS's grandmother will be there, though.  She will need to let me  (and everyone else) know exactly what it is that I am doing wrong in my room.

I digress.

I have the program pretty much figured out.  I am in need of some kind of simple (and cheap) art project for the kiddos to do with their grandparents.  Any suggestions?

We had beautiful weather today.  Why can't every day be like today?  Minus the wind.

Yesterday was a AMAZINGLY LOVELY sports day for me:

Cowboys  44   Bills  7
eagles = LOSS
redskins = LOSS
giants = LOSS

SCORE ONE FOR MY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  pleaseohpleaseohplease win again next week.  And the week after that.  And every week thereafter.

Thank you.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's beginning to look alot like....

(We will start today's post with a Speshul Snowflake update:

  • She was out on Monday.
  • She was also out on Tuesday.
  • If you are keeping count, that is now a grand total of 13 days.
  • She came back today.
  • My principal had a letter all ready to send home on Monday.
  • He had to change it on Tuesday.
  • I knew she would be back today because we have a field trip tomorrow.
  • She and her mother drive me crazy!)
Now, on to regular bloggy news....

Remember the swap that I blogged about before and had participated in?  Well, as it turns out, the moderator decided to "tweak" some things and now I can't participate anymore.  I'm actually sad about this since I had just signed up for the Christmas swap.  I had it all planned out...I did August, then October, and had just signed up for December.  I was really excited about it and then the rules changed and I had to leave the group.

Speaking of Christmas (and weren't we?)...It's beginning to look a lot like it!  Especially in the stores!  I get to put up my Christmas tree in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS!!!!!  I am so excited!  I love Christmas so much and I love to decorate for Christmas!  I can't wait to put up my tree!  This year I am putting it up on Thanksgiving Day because I need something to keep my mind off being by myself.  It will just be me and miss raven on Thanksgiving Day and I am a little down about that.  I figure that, if I spend the afternoon decorating and putting up my tree, it will take my mind off not being with anyone.  Well, decorating and football.  ;)

I have Friday off.  SO.EXCITED.  I am hoping beyond all hope to not have to wake up early.  (note to miss raven:  please don't wake mommy up at oh-dark-thirty.  mommy will not be pleased and, as we all know, a cranky mommy is not a treat-giving mommy.)

Monday, November 7, 2011

So.  I had kind of an interesting weekend.

We had Parent/Teacher conferences on Friday, as I mentioned when last I blogged (last Thursday.  Notice, it hasn't been a week yet and I am blogging again.  You're welcome.)

My conferences were easy-peasy as I only had four real ones.  All of them were with great parents so I wasn't worried about anything.  I got to leave at 3:30 on Friday so I was able to get home almost an hour earlier than usual.  Fortunately, miss raven wasn't throwing any crazy dog parties, so no worries there.  ;)

Saturday morning I left the house early so that I could hit up Old Navy and their awesome coat sale.  I got a dress coat and a semi-puffy every day coat for less than the cost of the dress coat.  Can't beat that.  After Old Navy I went to the Yankee Candle store pretty much only because it was right next to Old Navy and it smelled SO good.  They were having an open house and, as I walked in, they gave me a raffle ticket.  They were holding a drawing every 15 minutes for free stuff.  I hung around for 14 and a half minutes, purchasing 6 wax tarts while I was waiting (all Christmas scents.  I am currently burning the heck out of my pumpkin scents so I can start the Christmas ones early.  I get to put up the Christmas tree in less than TWO WEEKS!)  Finally, they called the number for the raffle ticket and.....I won!!!!  Whoo-hoo!!!  My prize wasn't all that awesome but that isn't the point.  The point is, I GOT SOMETHING FOR FREE!!!!!  Cha-ching!

After shopping I went to a gymnastics performance for that one of my students was in.  It wasn't quite what I thought it was going to be and, to be truthful, I wasted about an hour to see a five minute show, but here are the good points:

  • the girl was beyond thrilled that I showed up and told EVERYONE that her teacher was there.  Not her parents, not her grandmother and auntie, HER TEACHER.  hehehehe!
  • the girl's parents were WAY beyond thrilled that I showed up.  I scored major points.  That is a good thing.
I stopped by Target after the gymnastics thing and picked up some stuff I needed (and some stuff I didn't...pumpkin spice Hershey's kisses, anyone?) and then made a quick stop at Dunkin Donuts for my iced pumpkin spice coffee before heading home to my girlie.

We (and by we I really mean me) did laundry and cleaned the house before relaxing for the rest of the evening.  Well, until I got the phone call from my dad.  The phone rang and, as soon as I heard his voice, I knew something was wrong.  Turns out my four year old niece was jumping on the bed, fell off, and (long story short) broke her little bird-like arm.  She had to stay overnight in the hospital and had surgery yesterday morning.  She is at home and doing well now, but we were all a little nervous and scared there for a while.

Yesterday was a pretty good sports day for me.  Tony Stewart won (again!) and is only three points behind in the Chase with two races to go, the Cowboys beat the Seahawks, and THE redskins LOST!!!  The only downside was that the giants beat the Patriots.  The eagles play the Bears tonight and I am rooting for the Bears.

My knees hurt today and that makes me feel old.  I have a sneaking suspicion that part of the reason that they hurt is because they are carrying around extra weight.  MUST.LOSE.WEIGHT.  I keep saying that forgetting that actions speak louder than words.



OH!  How could I forget??  Guess who was absent again today?  Day 12 and counting..... (insert sarcastic eye roll here)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Be still your bloggy heart...

Yes.  It is me.  TWO DAYS IN A ROW!

I am so tired.  I couldn't sleep last night.  I'm not sure why but I didn't end up falling asleep until close to two am.  Ugh.  Needless to say, it was a long day.

I was a little testy with the kids although I did recognize it and worked really hard all day to be just a little more patient with them than I felt.  It wasn't easy.  They were still hopped up on Halloween candy AND beyond excited to not have school tomorrow.

We have parent conferences tomorrow.  I only have 4 parents that signed up and one of them signed up for the last conference time of the day on purpose.  After she told me to put her down for that one she informed me that she wasn't coming to the conference, just didn't want me to have a conference at the end of the day.  She is currently my favorite parent.  ;)

I knew going in to today that I was going to have a conference this afternoon with two parents who can't make it tomorrow.  I wasn't worried a bit because their son is brilliant and made our "A" Honor Roll easily.  The conference went very well.  About an hour ago I received this e-mail:
Dear Ms. Olsen,
Thank you so much for taking care of our son.  I have always asked God to let him have teachers who can inspire him to do well since he is a very unusual child.  Today's report card just confirmed that my husband and I made a good decision to bring him to this school.  I know that some people may think otherwise but, for whatever it is worth, I am happy because my son is happy.  And, thank you for that.  It is not every year that my son finds a teacher that he can relate to and who can help him become successful. Thank you again!
By the way, I forgot to mention to you today that if you are in need of anything from BJ's, please do not hesitate to let me know.  Just shoot me an email either here in the school email or even my yahoo email. I check my emails at least twice a day.
Thank you so much! 
I was so touched by this e-mail and it brought me to tears.  I always, always appreciate a parent who will take the time to write out a letter like this and I always save them.  I will print this out and put it in that file and, when Speshul Snowflake's mother, or some other parent gives me a hard time about something, I will pull that file out and read it.

That is all for tonight as my lack of sleep last night is beginning to catch up with me.  I get to sleep in a little tomorrow and plan on taking full advantage of that.  If miss raven will let me, that is.  ;)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hola, Amigos!

Hey!  It's been less than a week.

Not by much, I know, but still...less than a week.


OK.  Here's an update, bullet-ed for your convenience (and mine):

  • Speshul Snowflake, for those of you that care, has now been absent ELEVEN days.  In ten weeks.  Altogether, she has missed all or part of SEVENTEEN days of school.  She was absent Monday and Tuesday this week.  Yep.  You guessed it.  She had to get ready for Trick or Treating.  Nice, right?
  • My left foot hurts so bad.  I thought I had plantar fasciitis, but now I am not sure.  It is mostly my heel that hurts, but by the end of the day the pain is all the way up my leg and into the back part of my hip.  Right now my left knee also hurts and I am debating on taking some ibuprofen.  I can hear my BFF now telling me to go the doctor but, in all truthfulness, I am terrified to go.  Some people are afraid of clowns, some people are afraid of snakes, I am afraid of doctors.  Terrified, even.  So...ibuprofen it is, tonight anyway.
  • Have you ever had to deal with something really hard and you do your best to deal with it but then someone comes along and kind of kicks sand in your face?  Me neither.
  • I joined twitter.  My brother hates it.  The best thing is that my (old) blackberry doesn't have the capability for downloading the twitter app.  Guess what that means?  #newphone  :)
  • We had snow last Saturday.  Did you hear me?  SNOW in OCTOBER.  Can I tell you that there are about five hundred ZILLION things wrong with that?!?
  • I miss my BFF.
  • Alot.
  • I broke out the heated throw and the electric blanket.  And turned on the heater.  My goal is always to try to make it until at least November 1 before turning on the heater.  It was in the high 20's Friday night.  I made it until October 28 this year.  There's always next year.
  • I absolutely MUST get a hold on my out of control eating.  I think I have gained almost all the weight I lost three years ago.  That really, really depresses me.  I am afraid to get on the scale to see how bad it is.
  • It is now time for me to go to bed.
  • Goodnight!
  • :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Excuses, excuses...

I'm still here and I feel bad that I haven't been a good blogger lately.  I know that I have used the "I'm tired" excuse alot, but it is the only one I have.  And it's true.

I promise.

Things are going well, for the most part.  I am still beyond happy that I am back in the classroom and not in administration anymore.  I feel a little guilty that I am so happy because I know there are others that I work with that are going through a really, really rough time.  I try to assuage my guilt by reminding myself that they last couple of years have been horrific for me where work is concerned and that it is ok for me to be happy now.  I do my best to be supportive to those who are having a hard time this year and I try not to sound like I am rubbing it in by having a good year.

I wasn't at school yesterday because I had to go to a day-long "leadership team" meeting.  I can honestly say that, for the first time in a LONG time, I acutally missed being at work.  I missed my students a lot and thought about them several times over the day.  I was so happy to see them this morning and even happier when, as they came in to the room, their faces lit up and they ran over to hug me.  Almost all of them told me how much they missed me (except Speshul Snowflake, of course) and that made me feel good.

I still have a faction of parents who like to complain about the amount of homework the kids are getting.  The funny thing is, my partner teacher actually gives more homework than I do but none of her parents are complaining.  Most, if not all, of my students finish their homework at school, so I am not sure what the problem is.  I know the parents don't like that they have all the tests and quizzes that they have, but honestly, it isn't that much.  I usually just let the issues roll of my back and concentrate on the kids.  They are really funny and I love being with them.  Mostly.

Just not at 3:40.

I am so ready for them to leave at 3:40.  I am really ready to go home to a dog that doesn't talk at 3:40.  I am really glad to go home to a dog that doesn't talk and a quiet house at 3:40.  I am really glad...well, you get the picture.

Today we made pinecone birdfeeders in art.  The project was a tie-in with what we are studying in science.  here is a run down:

3 packages of disposable casserole dishes:   $6.00
2 bags of cinnamon scented pinecones:  $6.00
2 large containers of vegetable shortening:  $5.00
2 large containers of oats:  $5.00
1 large bag of birdseed:  $15.00  (Stupid Wal-Mart prices!!!)
1 box of gallon sized zip-top plastic bags:  $3.00

Total for pinecone birdfeeders:  $40.00

Listening to 19 4th graders talking about what they learned in science and having a good time:  PRICELESS*

*although I do say "A pox on Wal-Mart for charging FIFTEEN DOLLARS for a stupid bag of birdseed.  That's why I prefer Target!"

I got my hair cut on Saturday.  No, I don't have a picture.  It is my chin.  I got about 3 inches hacked off.  I like it like this (right now) because my hair is heavy and the longer it is the more it pulls out my natural curls.  Right now, though, I must say that it is getting on my nerves because I kind of feel like it looks like straw on a scarecrow. later.  Maybe.

Ok.  I am hoping that I will post again before another week goes by.  Hopefully over the weekend.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Because she is my BFF...

I will post not once, but TWICE today.  AND include pictures.  Because she asked so nicely.  And called me during class this morning....

So, this weekend I went to my favorite LYS, which is located roughly 20 minutes from my house.  Over the river and through the traffic.  I love walking around Old Town and had to snap a few pictures of the fall decorations/scenery:

I could totally envison this on my porch.  If only I was rich enough to afford it:
How cute is this pumpkin?!?!  I LOVE it!
For those of you who don't understand the concept of seasons (ie.: anyone who lives in El Paso, Texas), this is what happens in the FALL:

I meant to take pictures inside the LYS but alas, I forgot.  Mostly because I was too busy trying not to drool on everything.  Here is some of what I purchased.  (The last two pictures aren't from the LYS but from a chain craft store.  I had a coupon and I loved the colors.)

I also bought a drop spindle.  Right now I not only suck, I totally BLOW at spinning.  I am hoping that I will get better with practice.

I did buy another yarn at the LYS but I am saving that picture for tomorrow's Yarn Along post.  I actually have something to show tomorrow and don't want to get ahead of myself.

Work update:
     My kids took a history test today.  They totally rocked it!  Almost everyone passed.  I only had one student who didn't.  Yea them and yea me!  Thanks for the prayers!  Keep them coming because tomorrow they have a Science 9 weeks exam and an oral presentation.

There you go, BFF.  I  miss you too!  It has been WAY too long since I have seen you and me no likey that.  :(

I really am...

doing all I know how to do to help these children so why must their parents fight me on every little thing?

I'm either giving too much work or not enough.

I'm either testing/quizzing too much or not enough.

They either have too much play time or they don't.

It's at times like these that I think of Lincoln..."You can't please all of the people all of the time."  True dat, Lincoln.

I don't want to become only a weekend blogger but I am so tired during the week that, by the time I get all the housework done and all the school work done, I am tired.  I was in bed and asleep by 9:45 last night and I barely made it that long.

I did have a good weekend.  I went out to breakfast with a good friend of mine, hung out around the house the rest of the day Saturday, went to Alexandria and my favorite LYS on Sunday (why yes, of course, I bought more yarn!), and just generally enjoyed the beautiful weather over the whole weekend.  It really was very nice and relaxing.

Ok.  I have to go get ready for work now so this is all you get.  If you are the praying type, please pray for me today.  I love my students, I really do.  Please pray that I can find a way to help the ones that are struggling and a way to not yell at parents who think they should have no responsibility at all when it comes to their child's education.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Vain, 4, and 40...

Right now, as I type this, I am sitting with a Target bag on my head, covering my lovely, ammonia scented hair.  For I am too vain to be gray.  Miss Clariol and I are solving that problem this evening.

School Picture Day is Thursday.

On the plus side:
  1. My hair will (hopefully) look lovely.
  2. I will not look like the weight of the world is on my shoulders thanks to not being the principal anymore.
On the no-plus (also known as negative) side:
  1. The camera adds 10 pounds.  I've already added far more than that.  I do not need extra addage.
  2. I loathe, despise, hate, dread, getting my picture taken.
  3. This will be my last school picture as a "30 something".
What?  Wait.  Did #3 throw you?  Yeah, me too.

Six months from today I will turn....40.

Guess who is not ready for this?

Yeah.  That would be me.

Holy crap!  How did 40 sneak up on me so fast?  And with nothing to show for it?  No husband, no kids.  Just me and a dog.


Today is my niece's birthday.  She is not 40.  She is now FOUR!  Holy crap, again!  Where did the time go??
Happy Birthday Princess D!!!!!!!! :)

(Have you noticed that I tend to bounce around in my posts?  Yeah, me too.)

Guess what I did this past weekend?

Here's a hint:
I went to a pumpkin farm to pick pumpkins!  We had lovely weather this weekend and I just had to take advantage of it!  Here are some more pictures:

And here, because my BFF always complains about the lack of pictures of me on my blog...This one is for you, BFF:
Hehehehehe!  Gotcha!  :)

I had today off, thank you Columbus, and I did not one single thing.

Wait.  That isn't totally true.  I did have plans but they changed last minute.  No problem, I thought.  I will bake.

Total.  Disaster.

I tried a new recipe and it was a FAIL.  I don't normally throw things out when I bake but this time....gag.  Hey, BFF, remember the "Cranberry Cake" disaster?  Yeah.  Gross like that.  Bleck.

I was really disappointed because these cookies had pumpkin in them.

I love pumpkin.  I hate baking failures.

Here is the best picture of the whole weekend:
House is (almost) on.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

When your bladder is the size of a walnut...

then you feel the need to wake mommy up at 3:45.  Right, miss raven?


If this was Friday it wouldn't be so bad. 


It isn't Friday.

It's Thursday.


At least I don't have to worry about any meetings today.  I don't think.

I do have to worry about a couple of parents, though.

I was kind of discouraged with my class yesterday.  Not their behaviour as they really, really are a good group of kids.  Most of them do very well academically, too; however, I have a few that are just going to struggle because they didn't get a good foundation.  I have a few that are going to struggle because they are (how shall I say this??)  more concerned with everything BUT school.

Yesterday my kids took an English test over commas, quotation marks, colons, underlining, contractions, and possessives.  Most of them did well.  Five of them didn't.  Now, three of the five are the kids that struggle with reading to begin with so I knew that they might not do well on the test.  The other two, though.  No excuse.  Sadly (for me) it is the parents of those two who will blame me for their child's bad grade.

Now, here's the thing.  I created the test.  I made it as easy as I could without being over-the-top, ridiculously easy.  I also sent a worksheet/study guide home the night before the test.  The worksheet had exercises that were similar to the ones that were going to be on the test.  I e-mailed the parents and told them about the homework and asked that they please go over it with their child to make sure that their angel understood.

With the exception of one of those five kids, it was abundantly clear that no parental help was given.  Those other four kids just threw something down on the paper to avoid getting into trouble for not having their homework done.  The ironic thing is, the two kids whose parents will give me a hard time are the kids whose parents tell me all the time how they are helping their angel at home and it is basically my fault that they don't get it.

Um.  Based on what I saw from their homework that is clearly not happening.

Why can't it be Friday?


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tonight's post is brought to you by the letters...

R.A.N.D.O. and M.

Strap in and try to keep up with the thoughts bouncing around in my cranial cavity...

  • Did I tell you I have a pen pal?  She is from England.  How super cool is that?  So far I know the following about her:  she is from England, she is an artist, she breeds butterflies, and some other stuff.  I owe her a letter and yet here I am, blogging.  You're welcome.
  • We went on a field trip a few Friday's ago.  We were supposed to go to an outdoor place but, alas, it was raining.  We ended up going into the city to a couple of museums.  All's well that end's well, though.  The kids had a great time.  My class was very obedient and amazed the museum staff with their good manners and their brilliance.  I was, of course, modest in my acceptance of the praise they received.  ;)
  • On the aforementioned field trip I had two parents who sat a few seats behind me on the bus.  The whole way into the city the talked about how much they disliked my school and how their children weren't learning anything.  I wanted to turn around and say, "Excuse me, I can hear you."  Nice, right?
  • Making up for those parents was the parent who gave me a FIFTY DOLLAR gift card to Michael's craft store so that I can purchase supplies for art.  I was surprised and thankful.  It has already been put to good use and I have a Christmas project/gift for their parents now.  Score!
  • Last night it was so cold that miss raven and I slept with a sheet, a duvet, and TWO crocheted blankets on top of us.  Neither of us wanted to get out of bed this morning.  I had to...she didn't.
  • My principal and I were supposed to have a meeting with the mother and grandmother of Speshul Snowflake.  Mom decided yesterday that she would go ahead and invite another parent to the meeting as well.  My principal told her in no uncertain terms that was unacceptable.  A few minutes ago I received an e-mail asking us to "re-schedule" the meeting due to a doctor's appointment.  Mm-hmmm.
  • I have also discovered that this mother is trying to stir the pot with my other parents.  Fortunately, the other parents have seemingly rallied around me.  Phew!
  • I'm drinking hot chocolate.  Not coffee.  No, nothing is wrong with me.
  • We just finished studying insects in science.  I found three caterpillars in my yard and brought them to school about two weeks ago.  Yesterday we discovered that one of the caterpillars had come out of it's chrysalis and emerged as a beautiful butterfly (don't worry--we let it go.)  AMAZING SCORE!  Guess who is getting the coolest teacher of the year award? ;)
  • I baked and frosted 48 cupcakes over the weekend.  And didn't eat any batter or icing.  Yes, I am proud of me.
  • I participated in another Coffee, Chocolate, and Fiber swap on Ravelry.  Here is what I got:
          I know that some of it is hard to see, so let me explain my booty...well, you know what I mean.
               --1 knitted pumpkin tape measure
               --1 handmade bar of lavender soap
               --2 bars of chocolate, 1 with coconut and 1 with raspberries
               --1 bag of chocolate cappuccino coffee
               --1 hank of gorgeous blue-green yarn
  • The Cowboys suck again this year.  The Eagles seemingly suck worse.  The Redskins seem to not suck.  It's backwards world in the NFL.
  • My niece will be 4 soon.  She has discovered Hello Kitty.  Guess what she is getting for her birthday?  Let's just say I took a little trip to Build A Bear on Sunday.  Oh yes,  please pause and admire me for my amazing brilliance.  ;)
  • I need some crochet time before bed.
  • Goodnight from me and her:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Guess who's at it again...

Well, if you guessed Speshul Snowflake you are correct.

I'm so mean.

No, really.  I am.

I make my students do (are you ready for this??)...


What on earth am I thinking?!?  How dare I expect them to (gasp!) work in school?!?!

I'm cruel.  I know.

So now we all have to have a lovely sit down meeting next week.  Mommy, Grandmommy (who pays my salary, dontcha know.  BTW--if that is the case, I need a raise because I am not getting paid enough to deal with this.), me, and my principal.  Hehehehe.  My principal who thinks this family is crazy and who is basically going to allow me to tell the (ahem) ladies what the expectations in my classroom are.  When I am finished he is going to tell them that Speshul Snowflake is expected to adhere to said expectations and if they don't like it then they can find another school.

Oh.  It's a brand new day at my school.

A brand.  new.  day.

And I love it.


Tomorrow is art day.

It will not include any of the following:




This makes me happy.

It will, however, include lentils (green and yellow) and various beans, as well as glue and an outline of a pumpkin.

Pictures to follow.

Today, on my way to buy the above mentioned lentils and beans, I stopped at Dunkin Donuts.  I did not get a blueberry iced coffee.  No, no, my dear friends, I did not.  This time I got a little wild and crazy and got a PUMPKIN ICED COFFEE.  Oh yum.  And yum again.

On Friday we went on a field trip.  I should tell you all about it.  I will.


I promise.

Good night.


p.s.  It is raining like crazy outside.  Complete with thunder.  Guess where miss raven is??

p.p.s.  I MISS YOU, BFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Photoshoot..

I know how much you've been missing her, so....

Show me sexy, miss raven:

Work it, girl.  Work it!
Own it!
Now give me pouty!!
That's it!

Show me innocent!
Isn't she so photogenic?!?

You're welcome!
