Thursday, June 9, 2011

A little of this and a bit of that...

Oh, such randomness!

You know you love it.  ;)

In case you hadn't heard, Beastie is dead.  Sadly, I think Beastie had a friend as I have found some random "evidence".  Now, to be fair, this could be leftover "evidence" from Beastie before its demise.  I thoroughly vacuumed tonight, so anything I might find tomorrow will be from yet another uninvited guest.

I am listening to one of my "workout" playlists on my iTunes library hoping that it will inspire me to get my lazy self out of bed tomorrow morning and go to the gym.  I'll keep you updated on that.

I made a quick trip to the grocery store today.  I got mango sorbet, Skinny Cow cookies and cream truffle pops, two different kinds of Weight Watchers desserts, and these for the girlie:
Because it is one hundred and fifty MILLION degrees outside right now.

And I love it.

I am not, however, going to love my electric bill.  Sheesh...the vet is going to get an arm, leg, and the left kidney.  The electric company is going to get the other kidney, my spleen, and perhaps a hunk of my liver.

For dinner tonight I had pita chips and hummus.  Mango sorbet with blueberries for dessert.  It was entirely too hot to even think about cooking.

The garden is doing well, although, because of the hell-like temperatures, I am watering twice a day.  My poor tomatoes are SO thirsty!  Here are some pictures to prove that I haven't killed everything:

After work, but before the grocery store, I stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get a blueberry iced coffee (my love of the season).  I am just about finished with it.  I can nurse that bad boy for hours!  If it weren't so hot and if Dunkin was any closer, I would be tempted to go get another one.  Just sayin.

I am going to have quite the summer as far as visitors are concerned!  They:
are coming to visit me SOON!!!  Like, in a little over a week!  I am over-the-moon excited to see them!! :) 

My dad is coming to visit later on this summer.  I am excited about that, too. :)

You know those powdery drink mix thingies?  The single serving ones?  Well, Target (I love me some Target!) has some new flavors:  lime margarita, strawberry daiquiri, and cranberry cosmopolitan.  I can say with certainty that the lime margarita is PHENOMENAL, especially if you like a "tart" drink.  The strawberry one is a little on the sweet side and I have tried the other one yet.  My other non-coffee favorite is currently Trop50 Raspberry Lemonade.  I also like Crystal Light peach tea.

I wasn't kidding when I said this post was going to be crazy random, was I?



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