Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Don't you hate it...

When you follow a blogger and they never blog?


**hanging head**


I write a million posts every week in my head and then never get around to actually WRITING them.  I was determined that, even though I had stuff to do tonight, I would blog.

Things are going well.  I love my class, the new math curriculum is frustrating me (but today was a MUCH better day), the weather is ridiculously humid, I signed up for another knitting class, football starts tomorrow night.....

Really.  Things are going well.

I did, in fact, sign up for another knitting class that I am REALLY excited about.  I will be learning how to knit a raglan sweater from the top down.  There is a really cool leaf pattern down the middle of the back.  I chose a really pretty blue-green yarn.  Not really turquoise...slightly more blue than green.  The pattern scares the bejeezus out of me, though.  My teacher is the same woman that I had for the lace knitting class and that semi-scares me, too.

And there you have it, folks.  My last week in a nutshell.  I will leave you this evening with a few pictures of my classroom.

Don't say I never gave you anything.


 one side of the room

 oops!  how'd she sneak in here?

 comfy chairs, new floor pillows in the back, and a basket of blankies

 OMG!  I *love* this board!


 hehehe!  there she is again!!

 can you tell i love my monsters?

last monster pictures, i promise.

 she is *not* a monster

 cool idea for hanging papers...clothespins hot-glued onto ribbon

front of the room

good night!


1 comment:

  1. Love your classroom!!! It looks AWSOME!!!!!
    SOOOOO happy that your class rocks as much as their teacher does!!!
    and...I didn't realize that knitting was scary...LOL!!! ;oP (yet another reason I don't try it...it wouldn't be good...me with knitting needles)
    LOVE the pics of Raviebaby!
