Saturday, May 25, 2013

A month...

It's been a month since I last blogged.

I'm not making excuses, I'm not apologizing.

I  needed a break.

The end of the school year is so stressful for me.  This year was no exception.  Nothing bad...nothing bad at all.  Actually much good.  It was just....stressful.

School ended yesterday.  It was bittersweet because I love my class so much and I won't have them again next year.  I am not moving to middle school, have no desire to move to middle school, won't move to middle school.  So.  I am done being their teacher.

It was hard to say goodbye, even though the day was long and I was so ready for dismissal.  It was still hard to say goodbye.

I'll see most of them next year because 14 out of 15 are coming back.  The one that isn't is moving, unfortunately.  It will be hard to see them in the fall and know they aren't coming to me anymore.

My summer vacation began yesterday.  As long as we had everything done and were all checked out, we were allowed to leave when the kids did.  I was so happy about that!  I worked my butt off (not literally, sadly) this whole week so I could be done by Friday.  When I walked out the door, I had a huge smile on my face because I know that, aside from having to pick up my last two checks, I am DONE for the summer!!!!!

And so I promise that, although my summer vacation has begun, my blog vacation is over.


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